“The Catholic Diocese of Lucknow” - The Founder Body through the Catholic Education Society Lucknow administers the College.

Management Committee:
This body manages the day-to-day affairs of the College. Academic Council: Sectional and subject-wise Staff and representatives from the academic Council of the College to manage the curricular and co-curricular activities.
House System:
The staff and students are divided into fourhouses – St. Francis’/ St. Patrick’s, St. George’s and St. Andrew’s. House Staff, captains and vice captains manage the houses and help in discipline and inter-house activities. Thus qualities of healthy leadership, participation, competition, co-operation, mutual understanding, self-reliance, discipline are learnt and developed in the students.
Student Council:
College captain. House captains/Vice captains and other prefects appointed from among the Class XII boys are made responsible for discipline to the extent possible. They become responsible and develop initiative, trust and a sense of fulfillment.
The College is staffed by well qualified, experienced, competent and committed members motivated and oriented to provide adequate and appropriate teaching and training to students.
Disciplinary Committee:
Headed by the Vice-Principal, the House Masters and the P.T.I, see to the discipline on the Campus.
Parent-Teacher Meetings:
Regular Parent-Teacher meetings are held to bring together parents and teachers to coordinate and co-operate for the all round growth of children.