Harshit Arora
College Captain (2023 -2024)
"Opportunities don't happen. You create them." These words by Chris Grosser describe the canvas of life in a nutshell. About fourteen years ago when I first stepped into the institution as a toddler I
was blissfully unaware of the fact that the steering wheel of my life was taken over collectively by the wonderful teachers of this esteemed educational institute. During my interview I was asked to identify some alphabets. Among them was”W”.No matter how many times I was asked, I insisted it was the letter “M”.
Unknown to me at that point of time, lesson number one of this institution was imparted to me, Mistakes should not be the basis of judgment towards anyone. Failure is not the end of the road, it is
the opportunity to learn from your errors and start afresh. Hard work, consistency and perseverance are among the qualities that we are taught to sustain at St. Francis College. "In the battle between the river and the rock, the river will always win. Not through strength, but by persistence"as said by Confucius
and ingrained into us over the years.
Each student is treated here like a precious diamond, albeit a raw one to begin with. With time and effort the best is brought out from within each and every student, The chiseling of diamond is done by another diamond, our teachers, and finally we are ready to step out to shine and make our mark I felt my personality blossom layer by layer, peel by peel over the past years. As the College Captain my effort and oath to self is to do my best and fulfill the responsibility that has been bestowed on me. I pledge my sincerity and extend my hope to my fellow Franciscans to collectively join me in achieving our common goal of continuing to bring glory to our beloved institution. Over a hundred years ago, in the year 1885 a dream took shape when St Francis College Lucknow came into existence . We the students, past and present have been passing the torch of endeavor and
achievements to ensure the torch remains illuminated till time immemorial.
I am humbled in the trust bestowed on me by our Principal, teachers and staff members by providing me the opportunity to be the College Captain for academic 2023-2024. My fellow
students, my juniors and classmates I am certain we will work as one big team. Together we will clap for every success and extend a helping hand when required by any fellow Fransican.
Individually we will each do our bit and our sense of honour and duty will bind us together to make our parents and teachers look upon us with pride,in the outside world,
Pax-et- Bonum.
Harshit Arora.
College Captain.