Vice principal message

Fr. Anup Emmanuel Lakra

Vice Principal

“Confidence and hard-work is the best medicine to kill the disease called failure. It will make you a
successful person”
: A.P.J. Adul Kalam

It gives me immense pleasure as I express my heartfelt gratitude to St. Francis college fraternity for the warm welcome accorded. I am extremely happy and excited to be a member of Franciscan family and I really feel privileged to work with the devoted staff and ever supportive parents in order to provide a safe and productive learning environment. I also take this opportunity to thank my dedicated predecessors, committed teachers and parents for their selfless service to this magnificent institution and for their endeavour to groom the young minds into responsible citizens of our country.

St. Francis College is one of the best and well- known colleges in the city of Lucknow. We, under the patronage of St. Francis of Assisi impart a holistic and value based education. Our main focus is on all round growth of the young boys who are able to convert challenges into opportunities. We make relentless efforts to explore, kindle and nourish the hidden talents of each and every student. “Education breeds confidence, confidence breeds hope, hope breeds peace”, says Confucius. I am incredibly proud of this esteem ‘Temple Of Learning’ which has been nurturing young boys into responsible citizens of our county over the past hundred and thirty seven years. One of the greatest philosophers, Aristotle says, “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all”. Adding more to it Gandhiji states, “True education is which draws out and stimulates the spiritual, intellectual and physical faculties of the

As we know the challenges of the post covid-19 era are very unique and uncommon than ever before. Hence each and every child requires a very special attention because the children have been affected intellectually, mentally and psychologically by the pandemic. The teachers as well as the parents today have to have a tremendous amount of patience in order to deal with and guide the children. One of the greatest teachers the former President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam has rightly said, “The purpose of education is to make good human beings with skill and expertise.”

Heartiest congratulations to the Principal Rev. Fr. Rajesh V. D’souza, in a very special way to Rev. Fr. Alwyn Moras the former Principal, Rev. Lawrence Noronha the former vice –Principal, the teachers, parents and the students for the 100% results in Class 10th and Class 12th board examinations and I wish all the Students every Success and the bright future. To conclude I would like to extend my best wishes to all the students, staff, supporting staff and parents. Let us all pray to God through the intercession of St. Francis of Assisi our patron to shower choicest blessings on our college. Let us walk in the footsteps of our Patron in order to spread peace and harmony in the society. May the prayer of St. Francis, ‘LORD, MAKE ME AN INSTRUMENT OF YOUR PEACE’ be our daily prayer to God the Almighty.