Welcome to our school
St. Francis’ College is a recognised, unaided Anglo-Indian minority institution established and administered by “The Catholic Diocese of Lucknow”, a charitable Religious Society registered in Lucknow under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860. The College was founded in 1885. It was established with the object of imparting modern education primarily to Catholic students in a manner that would conserve their “Religion, Language, Script and Culture, “but is open to all, irrespective of religion, caste or community”. This institution is situated in Hazratganj – the central and posh locality of Lucknow and as such, is very convenient for parents/guardians....

Principal Speaks….. In February 1998, Reader’s Digest carried an inspirational story of Jean Dominique Bauby, Editor-in-Chief of Paris based Elle magazine. Dominique suffered a massive stoke on December 8, 1995 and slipped into a coma. When he regained consciousness, he was totally paralyzed, speechless. He was able to move only his left eyelid, but his mind remai ned active. Signaling with his eyelid…
The superior man/woman does not embark on any affair unless he/she has carefully planned the start. – I Ching “Before we can get what we want in life, we have to know what we want.” When there’s no clarity of purpose, a person, like a leaf blown by the wind, flits from one course to another. Aimless living leads to frustration and despair. Therefore, my humble appeal to all the students is decide firmly on your goal and focus on it, avoiding the temptations barring your way.